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December 6, 1929.

My dear Mrs. Twachtman,
I am taking the liberty of sending you a little picture which belongs to a very good friend of mine. It has been hanging on the walls of his home for many years.

The other day he came across some old correspondence from a relative of his wife, from which for the first time he got the idea that this might be by Mr. Twachtman. I have shown it to Mr. Carlsen and Mr. Hassam and they both feel that the attribution is probably correct. I am very anxious to get the best possible opinion on it so shall more than appreciate it if you will tell me what you and Colonel Twachtman think about it.

There is no question of this picture being for sale. My friend has no thought whatever of selling it, regardless of its authenticity.

It is so long since I have seen you or heard from you that I hate to come to your for the first time again when I want you to something for me, but I hope you will forgive me for doing it under the circumstances.

With kind regards, I am

Sincerely yours,

Mrs. J. H. Twachtman,
Greenwich, Connecticut.