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November 21, 1930.

My dear Colonel Twachtman,

The first time you are down in New York, I think you might be interested in going to the offices of Mr. M. K. Kaplan, 270 Madison Avenue, to see what seems to be the original study for the "Niagara in Winter" that we sold last year to Phillips Academy.

The picture is badly hung and is little more than a sketch, but it looks all right to me.  I don't know whether you know of the existence of the sketch for this picture, and I would be much interested to get anything that you may have on it.

I suggested to Mr. Kaplan that you might like to see it, and he said that he would be very glad indeed to show it to you.

Sincerely yours,

Col. Alden Twachtman,
Round Hill Road,
Greenwich, Connecticut.