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Quartermaster General's Office
Washington D.C. Nov'r 27th 1865.

Maj. Genl. O. O. Howard
Commissioner Bureau of Refugees &c.
Washington D.C.


Your communication of the 26th of August last asking whether Chaplains are allowed mileage when traveling under orders, was referred to this Office by the Adjutant General; and in reply you are respectfully informed that, in the opinion of the Quartermaster General, Chaplains of the Army are entitled to mileage in cases in which other Officers of the Army are entitled to the same allowance.

I am, General, Very Respectfully &c
By Order of the Qr. Mr. General
(signed) Benj. C. Card
Col. Qr. Mr's Dept.

Transcription Notes:
. [[?]] in this letter may be 'etc'