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War Department,
Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Washington, Dec 26 1865.

I am directed by Maj. Genl. Howard to say that the jurisdiction of the Assistant Commissioners for the states of South Carolina & Georgia extend over the islands as well as the mainland belonging to these States.

Capt. Ketchum, as Staff Officer of the Commissioner is charged with specific duties, and will consult with Generals Saxton & Tillson, communicating to them respectively such information touching his operations as effects the status of affairs in their Districts.

I am, General.
Very Respectfully
Your Obedient Servant
Max Woodhull
Col. & Asst. Adj't. Genl.

Brig. Genl. Davis Tillson
Act'g Asst. Com'r. Augusta, Ga.