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This Commission "is constituted for the purpose of aiding and co-operating with the people of those portions of the United States which have been desolated and impoverished by the war, in the restoration of their civil and social condition, upon the basis of industry, education, freedom, and Christian morality."

Rev. JOS. P. THOMPSON, D.D., Pres.
A. V. STOUT, Esq., Treas. Shoe and Leather Bank.
Rev. LYMAN ABBOTT, Cor. Sec. 14 Bible House.

Sav'h Ga. [[strikethrough]] New York, [[/strikethrough]] 14th Nov 1865

Brig Gen Denis Tillson, 

Dr Sir -

In accordance with your request I communicated with the Head Qr's of our commission in regard to assisting that prospective Negro settlement in Appling Co.

The response was as follows - "The supply of the Negro settlement raises a perplexing question. The Freedman's Aid Com. are inclined to find fault with us if we undertake care of Freedmen. If on application the F.A.C. will provide for this case I think it would be better. I will get this question settled at our next meeting I may, probably, refer the application to the F.A.C. in the first instance without however, declining it ourselves" 

You see, from the above, that the A.M.C. is as yet undetermined. At the same time well disposed. I am going on to N.Y. next week and shall endeavor to put the matter through