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Shaddy Dale Jasper Co Ga Sept 13
Commissioner Freedman Bureau

Sirs I would Respectfully submit my situation for your consideration and relief if it is in your province to grant it, I have on my place three freed women, with thirteen children, one of the children is 12 years old does some little work out doors this year the Husbands of the women went off with Gen. Shermans Com'd last November, I was just in the army last may was a year ago, and when I arrived at home in april last I found my family had no corn, I could not buy as I had no money, a friend was kind enough to lend me some, I will have to pay back out of my little crop and by Christmas I will have no corn [[strikethrough]] had I known this year [[/strikethrough]] out of meal and cannot get any two of these women has not worked one day this year in the field all three had young children one of them lost her babe she has worked in the farm, the two that had not worked in the farm has been too lazy to clothe themselfs I furnish them cards and cotten my wife weaving for them I have four children. I cannot get along and support my family and these three freed women and their thirteen children they or all of us must suffer