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Office A. Sub. Asst. Com.
Bureau R. F. & A. L.


I have the honor to report that I find in the hands of Volney Spalding Asst Treasury Agent a lot of lumber which he refuses to turn over to me

Said lumber was formily in a hospital erected by the Confederate Authority  Mr Spalding is converting the building into a private dwelling  I think I should have the lumber or an equivalent in money as I need all I can get to put up a hospittal for the destitute  Mr Spalding wishes for me to hold on until he can hear from Gen. Steedman  I shall stop the building and wait instructions from you wether or not I shall use the Lumber there has been one house turned over by Gen. Stevens which I shall exchange for material for building I will soon have a house which will accomodate a large number of sick.

Very Respectfully, 
Geo Curkendall
Lt. Col. & A Sub Asst Com
B R F & A Lands

W. W. Deane
Capt & A. A. Gen.
Augusta Ga.