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Savannah Ga. Oct 15. 1865


I have found to-day that another series of Plantations are being carried are above this city some 22 in number which will produce in all 35000- Bush of rice. I shall go out to them to-morrow & to the Ogeeche country the day after. I will write you fully of what I find.

The man Tiffany is a [[strikethrough]] hard [[/strikethrough]] specimen - one who writes for the papers hates "Secesh" with an outspoken hatred he has a home guard armed & under his control - I can't think that the whole matter of harvesting & disposing of [[strikethrough]] this [[/crossed out]] the large crop of rice can be well managed [[strikethrough]] witho [[/strikethrough]] except under the personal management of one energetic honest & practical man of business. Capt E F Goddard of the 12th Me Vols is the man who can do this entirely to your satisfaction & [[strikethrough]] will [[/strikethrough]] can realise more than most men from the