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sources, I returned to this City last night at 8 o clock with my detachment all safe and sound.

I find against Wm Lampkin and Lewis Lovitt that they were with Robt Lampkin when he killed the Negro, and that they were in the habit of getting drunk together. Robert Lampkin however has shot several negros that have died. I have two reports concerning the killing of them, one is that the negro, shot at him for some cause or other and he was bringing him to Augusta to deliver him up, when he tried to escape from him, this is corroborated by several negros I saw. Another is that the negro shot at him, when he was returning from a possum hunt with Lewis Lovitt, and that afterward when he was under the influences of liquor he shot him.

The Citizens through the section of County that I passed, seemed to be quiet, peaceful law abiding men, that are having great deal of trouble with their negros, who wont work although they [[strike-through]] have [/strikethrough] are bound by Contracts, and some are in continual fear that the negros will rise and murder them (so they tell me at least), and since the shooting of this Negro and his death, a number have been fired upon while passing from one house to another after work.

I have the honor to be 
very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servt
Samuel M. Mills Jr.
1st Lt 19th US Infy.