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Hd Qrs Dept of Fla
Asst Adjt Genls Office
Tallahassee Nov 16, 1865
Commanding General
Dept of Georgia
Maj Gen Foster Commdg of this Dept desires me to inform you that the following report has reached these Hd Qrs.
Lieut Brooks 8th Me Vols seized as "belonging to Govt a lot of Cotton owned by C.S. Stubbs of Macon Ga. Mr Stubbs proved the claim & the cotton was returned to him. The cotton was again seized by Major Hastings, by order of the Commdg Genl he said but was released by Major Hastings, he receiving the sum of $500- from Mr Stubbs thro Lieut Brooks. Mr John Culpepper of Quitman Georgia, can give all information regarding it. Case report by Judge Taylor Montiallo who can be found at any time. 
I am General
Very Respy Yr Obt Servt
Chas Mundee
B Brig Gen AAG