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Augusta, Ga December 21st 1865
On December 19th/65 a member of Co. C. 1st Batt 19th US Infty by name of Fitzgerrald was brought to the camp mortally wounded by a Pistol shott discharged by a colored man of the name of David Johnson, he also received a wound from a stab or cut, inflicted by Rob. Jones also a colored person. Yesterday I arrested both these col. men, and they confessed the deed. They state that Private Fitzgerrald entered their store, followed by some more soldiers, whose names I do not know, and that a man [[?]] during which time the soldiers tried to rob the store, and that he then fired at them, Private Fitzgerrald who is still alive denies this statement, and says that he was on the street and that the negro fired from his house at him. The wound [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] certainly indicates that he did not face the colored man, the ball having entered a little to the left of the spine and penetrated the left lung, the stab wound is also on the back of the soldier.- As far, as to find out what & where robberies were comitted is for me utterly impossible, the men of our Command deny this statement and I myself never leave the barracks after dusk, except when on duty.

John Rogiha
Capt. 19th U S. Infantry
Bvt. Maj. U. S. A.

Hd. Qrs. Det 19 U S. Infantry
Augusta Ga, Dec. 22' 1865.
Respectfully returned, attention called to the above report. The first charge is evidently the one in which the soldier Fitzgerald was mortally wounded. I will endeavor to ascertain the truth of the other accusations & punish the criminals. I have given stringent orders to Company Commanders, to check all irregularities against Freedmen and others. In conclusion, I think it somewhat imprudent on the part of Freedmen Jones, Johnson & their partners in business, to complain of a soldier whom they have mortally wounded.
Pinkney Luxenbul
Maj. 19" U. S. Inf.
Comd'g Det.

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