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Bainbridge. Decatur Co.
Geo - Dec 6, 1865.


Having addressed you a communication soliciting your aid in promoting the planting or farming interests of this County, and seeking such information as will benefit those who are now desirous of continuing their agricultural pursuits it is proper that as an entire stranger to you I should tell you who I am.

I am a native Georgian born in the County of my name and of a family who have been identified with the state from its earliest settlement.  I came to the Bar in Savannah in my youth and in 1850 removed to Florida where still at an early age I was appointed U.S. Judge, which situation I held until [[strikethrough]] the season [[/strikethrough]] after the election of President Lincoln when I resigned.  I am now leading a retired life in a remote section of country and my only desire in life is to see the country restored to prosperity.  If by my personal efforts and