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Provost Marshal's Office
Madison, Morgan County, Ga,
October 26th 1865

Brig. Gen. D. Tillson 
A. A. Comr B, F., R., & A, L.,


Pursuant to instructions from Maj. Gen. Steedman, Comd'g Dep't of Georgia, I would respectfully ask are freed persons who have been refugeed to this county. during the War, - by their former masters, - from neighboring States, furnished by the Freedmen's Bureau, with transportation, to return to, what they consider their homes; - when in destitute circumstances, and unable to procure money to pay their fare. 

[[left margin]] answered Nov 1 [[/left margin]]

There are twenty-two freed persons, in this town, brought here, against their consent, by their former masters, and they are now desirous of returning home where they assert they can earn a livelihood, but lack pecuniary ability to execute their wishes. From their statement I infer that their late owners are willing to employ them, at the place from whence they were refugeed

Eighteen of these freed persons were brought from Hines County, Miss. by a Mr - Smith. Four are from Charleston
