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Savannah November 17th 1865

Brig Genl Davis Tillson 
Acting Ass Commissioner Bureau of Freedmen
Refugees and abandoned lands

We the undersigned a Committee appointed, at a meeting of the Planters, on the Savannah, Ogeechee and other rivers on the Sea Coast, held this day, beg leave respectfully to address you, and to call your attention, to the disorganized condition of affairs, in this vicinity

Encouraged by the effect produced by your presence, in other portions of the South, and by the success which has universally attended your letters, in the Department under your control, we are induced to request, that you will, in person visit, this part of the State, and aid us in accomplishing, the great object now to be attained, viz. the speedy and proper organization of free labor 

We beg leave to present for your consideration, a few of the many