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their minds, should, if possible, be disabused of this impression, by the head of the Department, he, being the only one, in whose statements, they are likely to confide.

We beg leave further to call your attention to the fact that the Freedmen are every where possessed, of muskets and Minié Rifles, which they are carrying about with them. The effect of this, in many instances, is, to deter from visiting and occupying these places, and tends to the encouragement of lawlessness and insubordination to law among them.

Having presented these prominent facts to you, we hope, that they will be sufficient to induce you to comply with our request, and come among us.

If your duties will permit you to do this, we would respectfully ask, that you would advise us of the earliest day when you may be expected, that the Planters, may be prepared to meet, and confer with you on this all absorbing subject.

We are General very Respectfully
Your Obdt Servants
Geo. S. Owens}
Montgomery Cumming}
W. S. Lawton}
J. Motte. Middleton}
Committee of Planters

Transcription Notes: