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as soon as I can return home and make personal application for them. I am without the means of returning to So Ca

I have applied to Pres Johnson& to Genl Howard for my lands and to Secty Stanton for transportation. My letters have not been noticed. I have taken the oath of Allegiance and every other proper step for getting back my lands - but in vain.

I am here with four of my children and two young colored servant girls  We are seven in number.

May I beg of you the favor of transportation through the State under your command (as Chief of Freedman's Bureau,) this present month. My return home is of the last importance to me. I am left executrix of my Husband's Estate & hae no one in So Ca to act for me. I understand the Freedmen on my place are playing such havoc, felling my fine live oaks, culling fish=pond dams & committing many such acts -