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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands,
Office Actg Asst Comr State of Georgia.
[[strikethrough]] Augusta, Ga. [[/strikethrough]] Washington Wilkes Co. Geo Nov. 27th 1865.


Genl Tillson,
At the special request of some of the colored persons connected with the Society here as also in behalf of the respectable citizens of our town and county, I write to ask your intervention in behalf of the freedmen amongst us.  There are several bands of men calling themselves "bushwhackers", "jayhawkers" & "regulators" in this county who are perpetrating the most shameful outrages, such as shooting and burning and beating negroes to get money and for revenge. These men are unknown to us except through negro testimony and we cannot therefore punish them. You can try and punish them on this testimony, and unless something is done to stop these outrages, we must expect bloodshed and assassination. If you could send an intelligent officer here to take affidavits and testimony and then arrest the men designated and carry them to Augusta for trial and punishment, the whole thing would stop at once  I am satisfied the punishment of these bad men will meet the approval of nine-tenths of our