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Office Act Sub Asst Comr RF & AL
Savannah Ga Oct 25th 1865

I would respectfully call attention, through you to Genl Tillson, To the necessity of having provisions made by the Quartermaster for Fuel for the Hospital.- This office and other needfull purposes in this department. Also for Stationary. Blanks Etc which will be needed immediately.
I shall be obliged to commence everything anew here, under the instructions of Genl orders and circulars, because I have no date by which to up the work which has been done in this district. I shall get matters systematized as rapidly as possible. Capt Deane has been of much more service to me, in reaching conclusions of what will necessary to be done, than from any information I could obtain from papers or otherwise here.
I have been obliged to borrow some stationary, as well to get get wood for hospital, from the Military Authorities. There are many contingencies to provide for, which at present I don't know how to arrange. I would earnestly request that immediate attention  be called to Fuel Etc

I am very Respectfully your obt Servt
H.F. Sickles
Col and A S A Comr RF & AL

To Maj Gray 