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Office A. S. A. Com'r. 
Freedmens Bureau 
Columbus Ga. Nov 1st 1865.


Brig. Genl. Davis Tillson
Augusta Ga.

I have the honor to submit the following report of affairs connected with this office for that part of the month of Oct. following my appointment as Act. Sub. Asst. Comd. for Columbus and vicinity.

Immediately after receiving my appointment from you I took charge of this office formerly occupied by Lt. Col. Snow, and found everything in good working order. I am compelled to confine myself to the most urgent cases leaving many of comparatively minor importance wholly without redress. I have subdivided the labor among my assts. alloting to each his particular department, and holding each responsible for the faithful performance of his duty.

I have seized a church which was occupied by colored people for worship and have a fine hospital in operation; occupied by 12 patients under medical treatment but as the cold weather advances the number will increase yet I am of the opinion that comparatively a small number will need assistance from me as the col. peoples aid society here is doing a great deal.