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Bureau of Refugees, Freedmen and Abandoned Lands.
Office Acting Assistant Commissioner, State of Georgia.

Augusta, Ga. Nov. 2 1865


I have the honor to inform you that I have taken the liberty to instruct my subordinates in this State to suspend that portion of Circular No 5 from your Head Quarters which directs — " In districts where there are no agents of this Bureau, the civil authorities are requested to constitute the Board as above & C" to the end of Par 1. — As you will see by enclosed copy of letter, I have been able to make an agreement with the Georgia State Convention whereby the interests of the Freedman will be much more likely to be preserved and maintained —

I fear the portion of your circular referred to may be taken advantage of by forming combinations for putting down the price of labor in localities where there are no agents of this Bureau —

It is true the agents to be appointed under the authority given me by the convention will be citizens, but they will act under the direction of and be responsible to the officer representing the Bureau in this State and will be required and expected to protect the just interests of the Freedmen