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Washington Ga Oct 12" 1865

Brig Genl Davis Tillson


In some interview with you, upon the occasion of your late visit to this place, I understood you to say that you were desirous of procuring a body of land, for the purpose of settling indigent families of freedmen. There is a place in this county well adapted to such a purpose It contains 1800 acres, 500 of which is good productive land; The remainder is in the woods & mostly well timbered. It is well watered & healthy and susceptible of division into small farms. It belongs to Benj F. Bowder & can be bought for five dollars per acre.

I also understood you to favor the plan of apprenticing young freedmen & to advise it under certain circumstances. Application has been made to me by a young freedman who is anxious to live with me.  To satisfy him & his mother I have consented to take him, upon the following terms & conditions.  I agree to furnish wholesome food & clothing & "pocket money" (when I may think it proper to do so) to learn him to read & write, & upon the termination of his service, at the age of 21 years, to give him $100.00. The Provost marshal informs me, that he is without instructions is such cases.  Should the proposed arrangement