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Waynesboro Novr 15 1865 

Gen Davis Tilson

Dear Sir
I am Desirious of hireing four or five men or large size boys to work on a farm the next year, and would like to have them immediately so as to make the necessary preparations for the crop. 

I will give them 2 acres of good cotton feed & clothe pay their doct bill, or give them from 8 to 12 dollars per month just as they may prefer, the wages to be in proportional to their ability to work, a good hand is worth more than an inferior hand and just in proportion to their ability to work will I pay them, I could not give more than $8 for ordinary plough boys and $12 for good men their food clothing & Doct bill, included, or 2 acres of good cotton. I want also a good girl for the house and will give good wages, if I can get these hands please inform me at Waynesboro and give me three or four days notice and I will come up and enter into a contract with them.

Yours Respectfully
T A Ward