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Hd. Qrs. Det. 19 U.S. Inf.
Augusta Ga . Dec. 21 1865

Respectfully referred to Bvt. Major Rziha 19 U.S. Inf. Off. of the Day on the 20' - 21', for a detailed report.

P. Lugenbeel
Maj. 19 U.S. Inf.

Augusta, Ga. Decbr. 21st 1865

I would respectfully state, that I received yesterday orders from my commdg officer to patrol the city with a guard of 12 men and arrest all such person who were found to discharge fire arms & take away from all persons such weapons as cudgels etc. I arrested five Negroes which were armed with iron knuckles, iron bars, slingshots etc also four soldiers who were disorderly. The col. man I sent to Jail & the soldiers to the Guard House. I took away at least 40 cudgels filled with lead from Negroes, but did not detain the Negroes as they did not resist. Only one old Revolver was found by my Sergeant, thrown away by some person after firing at my guard. To my knowledge no robberies were committed, and only one colored man said that a pocket book was taken away from him, but could not point out the man, who took it. I believe these robberies, if any committed, must have been committed by others, than my Guard

I kept the Guard under my control as much as circumstances would permit, but it was impossible for me to be every where at the same time. I had on Tellfair Street four men, on Green Street, three men, & the rest were on Broad Street with me and it is therefore evident, that I could not be present at all this Streets, and had to trust to the non com. Officers, which I believe have done their duty. The statement, that thirty men with an officer, fell on those within named colored men, is a barefaced lie as my whole command did not consist of one half of that number. Either those men, were out of their senses or are maliciously disposed, I at least do not recollect of any circumstance, were any col. men were ill treated, and certainly not in my presence.

John Rziha
Capt. 19th US Infantry
Bvt. Maj. U.S.A.