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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| Jany 22d 1869 #23. | Adjt. Genl's Office T.M. Vincent. A.A.G. See L 20. Jany 22d Returned. E.B p 276. Vol 5. | Washington Jany 19th 1869 Refers for report, letter of Lieut. W.W. Tyler. 9th Cavy, and late Capt. 19th V.R.C. stating that he has not received any order mustering him out of the Vol, service, requests that he may be furnished with said order to enable him to settle his a/cs. With remark. This officer was mustered out and honorably discharged per S.O. 515. par. 7. Dec 9th 1867. & copy forwarded to him thro this office. |

| Jany 25th 1869 #24. | Adjt. Gen'ls. Office T.M. Vincent A.A.G. 1 enclo Jany 26th Returned, with information that Lt. Rand was on duty at Clarksville at the date of his muster out of service Jany 1" 1868. | Washington Jany 2d 1869. Refers letter of Chas. F. Rand, late Lieut V.R.C., stating he was on duty at Clarksville Texas, at the time of his muster out, and claims travel pay from that point. Encloses S.O. assigning him to duty at Clarksville, Texas. For information as to whether this officer was on duty at that place Jany 1" 1868, date of discharge. |
| Jany 25th 1869 #25 | Alabama Edwin Beecher Genl. 2 papers Jany 26th Returned with appointment and letter of revocation enclosed as requested. | Montgomery Jany 21" 1869. Requests that the appointment of Joseph H. Emery clk be revoked to date Jany 31st 1869 and that Wm J Anderson be appointed clerk at a salary of $100 per month to date Feby 1st 1869. |

| Jany 30th 1869 #30 | Alabama Edwin Beecher. Col. see A 49 Feby 1" Returned to A.C. of Ala. who will forward to this office the proper vouchers for approval | Montgomery Jany 26th 1869. Forwards letter of Henry M. Bush late C.Q.M. for that state stating that the business of his office was unfinished, and the services of Messrs Walker and Anderson, late clerks, were retained to wind up the same. Requests that they may receive the compensation they deserve. With request that this application be granted, for 15 days. |

| Jany 30th 1869. #31. | Arkansas C.H. Smith. Genl 2 enclo Jany 30th Referred to C.Q.M. | Little Rock. Jany 22d 1869. Forwards approved, letter of Henry Page D.O. enclosing list of Bureau Stores which are no longer required and for which authority for sale of the same is desires. As many of the articles are stored in remote Counties, recommends that authority be obtained to sell all except those at Little Rock, at private sale. |

| Jany 30th 1869 #32. | Arkansas C.H. Smith. Genl. Jany 30th Returned. There is no authority for making such appropriation. | Little Rock Jany 22d 1869. Reports that an appropriation of a few hundred dollars per month for payment of teachers is absolutely necessary in that State: and proposes hereafter to make such provisions for their payment unless otherwise ordered. |