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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 30th 1869 #33. | Arkansas C.H. Smith. Genl. Jany 30th Returned to know if Mr D.C. Casey has been in the Military or Naval service. | Little Rock Jany 22d 1869. Requests that an appointment be made for Mr. R. D Casey, who was recommended as one of the Asst of Schools. States that Mr. J.T. Watson. Asst. Supt. of Schools, has not yet entered upon his duties as such, he having been suddenly called upon to serve with the State Militia: but will be able to do so soon. | 

| Feby 1st 1869. #34. | Alabama Ed. Beecher Col. see A 39. no enclosure. Feby 2d Returned. The Com'r. does not deem it advisable to approve additional Agents | Montgomery Janry 27th 1869. Forwards application which was handed to him some time since. "If Com'r. deems it advisable to appoint another Asst. Supt Education thinks that W. Putman would be a fit man for the position &c &c |

| Feby 1st 1869. #35. | Alabama Ed. Beecher, Col. File. | Montgomery. Jany 28th 1869. Submits report of Bureau operations in that state from Sept. 30th 1868. to Jany 1st 1869. |

| Feby 1st 1869. #36. | Arkansas. C.H. Smith Genl. 4 enclo file | Little Rock Jany 25th 1869. Submits reports of Refugees. Freedmen. Schools. Agents. Clerks and Officers for Dec 1868. |

| Feby 2d 1869. #37. | Adjt. Genls Office E.D Townsend. A.A.G. 1 enclo See T 319. Vol 13. Feby 2d Returned. E.B p 287. Vol 5. | Washington D.C. Jany 30th 1869. Refers for remarks, and to be retuned, letter of R. Papendieck late D.O. for Tenn. enclosing a copy of Charges and Specifications preferred against Bt. Lt. Col. James Thompson. Capt. 2d Arty. - charges forwarded to Genl Howard in Oct 1868. Asks his trial by Genl Court Martial. |    

| Feby 1st 1869. #38. | Adjt. Genl's Office E.D. Townsend A.A.G. 2 enclo Feby 2d Returned. E.B.p. 289. Vol 5. | Washington D.c. Jany 30th 1869. Referd for remarks, letter of Lt. Col. Geo. W. Wallace 12th Infy. requesting that 2d Lieut W.A. Coulter Bt Capt. 12th Infty. may be relieved from duty in the Freedmen's Bureau and order to join his company (B) at Montgomery Ala, where his services are much needed. |

| Feby 3d 1869,. #39. | Alabama E. Beecher Col 1 enclo See A. 34 Feby 4th Ret'd E.Bp 291. Vol 5. | Montgomery Jany 30th 1869. Forwards recommendation of the Board of Education of that State for the appointment of Mr. G.L. Putnam as Asst Supt. Education in the Bureau, which he omitted to enclose in his com'n of the 27th inst. reports that the present position of Mr. Putnam takes up the most of his time but he will render all aid in his power without pay. |