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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

| June 5th 1869 #148. * | Armies of the U.S.  W.T. Sherman. Genl Comd'g. Filed June 5th Returned. E.B. p. 422. Vol 5. June 8th Recd back. See L.B. Vol 5 July 2nd '69. | Washington June 3d 1869 Refers for remarks, letter of Gov. R.K. Scott of S.C. asking that 1st Lt. Horace Neide 44th Infty. on duty in the Freedmen's Bureau in that State, may be removed and assigned elsewhere, as his political agitations impede the action of the State executive. |

| June 8th 1869 #149. | Adjt. Genl's Office E.D. Townsend A.G. See K 69. June 8th Transmitted thro. Supt of Ed. for Ky. | Washington June 5th 1869. Replies to application of Lt. Wm Stone 45th Infty for a leave of absence for three months and permission to apply for an extension of three months; that if he gets the leave, he will be left out of the consolidation, "at any rate, you had better go on awaiting orders" |

| June 11th 1869 #150 | Alabama Col. E. Beecher. Supt of Ed. 1 enclo See B 63. June 12th Referred to Genl Balloch C.D.O. with authority to pay Mr Bartlett $100.00 for his services in January | Montgomery June 7th 1869 Encloses letter of C.C. Bartlett. late Agent at Selma asking that he be paid for services rendered in Jan'y. 1869. States that Mr B. was faithful and efficient Agent and recommends that the revocation of his appointment be changed  so as to allow him pay for two thirds of the month. |

| June 18th 1869 #151. * | Am. Miss. Association C.H. Howards Secy. See L.B. Vol 5 June 20/69. Filed June 11th Referred by Col. F.A. Seely D.O. St Louis Mo. for remarks. | St Louis. Mo. June 8th 1869. Makes report of inspection of schools in that city and states that the rooms used for school purposes for colored children are illy adapted for such purposes: also that the free school law in that state is a nullity. Recommends that an officer inspect the State in the interest of colored schools. |

| June 16th 1869. #152. | Adjutant General's Office E.D. Townsend. Adjt. General. See T 110. June 16th Returned to Bt Lt Col Jas. Thompson, Capt. U.S.A. (retired.) | Washington. D.C. June 15th 1869. States that apptn of Bt Lt Col Jas. Thompson for full pay & commn of quarters & fuel for month of May '69. has not been favorable considered by the General of the Army. |   

| June 18th 69 #153. | Adjt Genls Office E.D. Townsend Adjt Genl See T 112. June 18th Transmitted to Col Thompson Nashville Tenn | Washington D.C. June 18th 1869 In reply to application of Col Jas Thompson (retired) to be ordered to his home Newport Ky: States that the same has not been favorably considered as he is at liberty to make his residence where he pleases with out being Specially ordered |

| March 29 '69 #154 * | Anonymous File | Province of Ontario Walkerton March 23rd 1869 Desires information relative to the emigration of colored people to the South |

Transcription Notes:
changed "Bucher" to "Beecher" changed "Rick" Scott to "R.K."