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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- | 

|  Jany 2d 1869  #1  |  Edwards L.A.  Col. and C.M.O. &c.  Jany 4th Returned E.B.p 248, Vol 5. |  Washington Dec 30th 1868.  Forwards letter of Dr. R.A. Bell. C.M.O. for Ky. stating that the A.C. of Ky. has been directed by the Com'r to purchase a Three months supply offered and rations for patients in Freedmen's Hospital at Louisville Ky which will necessitate the holding of a portion of the Medical and Hospl property on hand, Asks what disposition to make of the surplus With remark That the matter is new to him; that he had given such orders, as he presumed, would cause the Hospital to be closed by Jany 1" 1869.  Asks instructions.  |

|  Jany 8th 1869.  #2  |  Eaton D.L. Actuary Freed Savings and Trust Co.  1 encl    Jany 19th Referred to C.D.O. for remarks, Jany 11th Recd back with report. E.B.p. 260, Vol 5.  |  Washington Jany 7th 1869.  Requests that if possible the Bureau pay rent ( $800 per annum) for the rooms which that Co. has leased at No 472 Seventh St bet E & F.  |  

|  Jany 13th 1869. #3  |  Edwards L.A.  Col. and C.M.O.  3 enclo  Jany 13th Referred to C.D.O. for settlement the officer having been retained under Section 41 of the Act of July 16th 1868.  Public  Act 63, 1868.)  Recd back Aug 7 /74.  WGP  |  WAshington Jany 11th 1869.  Forwards account of Dr. B.W. Taylor for medical services rendered to an employee of this Bureau at Monticello Fla. amounting to $23.15 With remark This a/c is not a proper claim against the Bureau unless the S.A. Com'r has been com. officer, and appointed agent at time of muster out of service.  |

|  Jany 13 1869.  #4  |  Eaton D.L.  Actg. Freedmen's Bank.  Jany 13th Returned There is no authority of law for paying rents after Jany 1" 1869, except for school buildings and offices of Supt of Schools and bounty Agents.  |  Washington Jany 11" 1869.  Forwards letter of D.O. of Fla. to Cahier of Freedmen's bank at Tallahassee Fla. informing him that the Bureau ceased to assume the rent of said Bank on Dec 31st 1868.  Inquires if this order is absolute and if no clause in the law under which institutions for education of col'd people are supported, is considered as covering this and similar cases.  |

|  Jany 15th 1869. #5  |  Eaton D.L. Actuary Freedmen's Savings Bank.  See H21.  Jany 15th Referred to C.D.O. for remarks.  Jany 16th Recd back E.B.p 271, Vol 5.  |  Washington D.C. Jany 13th 1869.  Forwards letter of C.A. Nelson requesting an appointment as Disbursing Officer at Newburn N.C. (in addition to his duties at the Freedmen's Bank) States that "Mr Nelson is a very honest and efficient cashier and would do his duty well."  |

|  Jany 15th 1869.  #6  |  Edwards L.A. Col. and C.M.O.  Jany 15th Returned approved see E.B.p 290 Vol 5.  | Washington Jany 14th 1869.  Forwards letter of Dr. Robt McNeilly C.M.O. of Tenn. citing difficulties met with in transferring patients to civil authorities, &c requests that he be continued in service until end of current month to prepare official papers.  With recommendation that these suggestions be authorized.  |