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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 8th 1869. #25. | Georgia J.R. Lewis. Col. Feby 8th Returned approved. | Atlanta Feby 3d 1869. Forwards approved and recommended, application of Capt. M. Frank Gallagher. A.A.A.G. for leave of absence for twenty (20) days. |

| Feby 9th 1869 #26. |  Georgia J.R. Lewis. Col. see G414vol13. Enclosed with G 414 Vol 13 | to C.S.O. | Atlanta. Feby 6th 1868 Forwards letter of J. W. H. Underwood, of Rome. Ga, stating that he thinks that the Government is slow in paying them the small fee due them; that they are very much in need, and desires to know when they may expect it. |

| Feby 9th 1869. #27. | Goodfellow, T.M enclo Feby 15th Returned, Dr. Fitch not having been in the United States Army his widow is not by law entitled to a pension. | Chicago Ills. Feby 4th 1869. Asks if the widow of the late Dr. Fitch a.a.Surg. is entitled to a pension, he having died from disease contracted while in the Bureau Services. |

| Feby 10th 1869 #28 | Georgia J.R.Lewis, Col. 1 enclo File. | Atlanta. Feby 9th 1869. Submits roster of Officers and Civilians for the month of Jany 1869. |

| Feby 23d 1869. #29. | Georgia J.R. Lewis, Col. Feby 20th Referred to C.Q.M.| Atlanta, Feby 18st 1869 Asks authority to distribute (by express and pay freight) a  number of school books in his possession, which were donated by the Agent of the Peabody Fund for distribution to colored children. |

| Feby 23d 1869. #30 | Georgia J.R.Lewis, Col. Feby 23d Returned approved. | Atlanta Feby 20th 1869. Forwards approved request of Wm. Gray Agent for leave of absence for 30 days. |

| Feby 23d 1869. #31 | Georgia J.R.Lewis, Col. Feby 24th Returned with appointment at increased salary enclosed as requested. | Atlanta Feby 19th 1869.  Request authority to pay Mr. Wm. L. Clark Asst Supt of Schools a salary of $150 per month to date from Jany 1" 1869.  When Mr. Clark was promoted Jany 1" 69 from Agent at $100 to Asst Suppt of Schools it was understood that he should receive the above requested compensation. |

| Feby 25th 1869 #32 | Georgia J.R.Lewis, Col. 4 enclo. Feby 25 Referred to C.D.O. March 1 Rec'd back with report E.B.p. 315.Vol 5.|  Atlanta Feb 22. '69.  Forwards letter of J.W. Brinckerhoff, Cashier F.S. Bank enclosing vouchers for payment of rent of Banking room at Savannah Ga. With remark He has made arrangements for Asst. Supt for Schools at Macon, Augusta, & Savannah, to occupy the Banks, as an office at Macon & Augusta. At Savannah the rent was $100 per mo, he therefore ordered that $50 of the rent be paid as an office for Asst. Supt. of Schools & Bounty Agent but under instructions of D.L. Eaton Actuary has withdrawn orders of payment  his office for the rent although the Bank is used & occupied by Capt Hoag.  The vouchers are for'd for action of the Comr. & instructions for further action. |