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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Jany 2d 1869. #1. | Hay Thomas H. Lieut. 42d Infty. Jany 2d 69. Forwarded to Secy of War, recommended. | Washington Jany 2d 1869. Applies for permission to delay 60 days before joining his Reg't. as directed by S.O. 304. series of 1868, relieving him from duty in this Bureau. |

| Jany 7th 1869. #2. | Huntingdon F.D. Rector of Emmanl Parish Jany 8th Transmitted to A.C. of N.C. who will please forward. Jany 13th recd back  with report E.B.p. 267. Vol 5. | Boston Mass Jany 5th 1869. Encloses a letter for Clinton A. Cilly who has been, if he is not now, on duty as A.A. Genl. or Inspector at Raleigh. If Cilly's address is unknown desires that the letter be returned to him. |

| Jany 8th 1869. #3 | Home Mission Presby Com'tt E.F. Hartfield Chman. See S. 6 N 43. O. 97. 1 enclo Jany 9th Referred to A.C. of Ala for action and report. | New York. Jany 7th 1969. Forwards letter of Miss. H.R. Starkweather teacher at Stevenson. Ala relative to the burning of a school house for cold children at that place. Requests that Comr give necessary orders for construction of a suitable schoolhouse in the place of the one burnt. |

| Jany 9th 1869. #4 * | Home Mission. Presby Com'tt E.F. Hatfield Chman. See H 16. See L.B. Vol 5. Feby 2d 69.  Jany 9th Referred to A.C. of Va. for report. Jany 21st Recd back, E.B.p. 281. Vol 5. Feby 2d Recd back File | New York. Jany 7th 1869. Inquires as to what extent the Buereau will aid the Committee in construction of a building for training school for col'd school at Winchester Va the estimated cost of which is $2489. |

| Jany 8th 1869. #5 | Home Mission Presby Comm'tt E.F. Hatfield Chman. See H 16. 1 enclo. Jany 9th. Referred to A.C. of S.C. for report. Feby 12th Recd back with report. EBp 303 Vol 5. | New York. Jany 7th,1869. Requests an appropriation for repairs to building which they intend house as a training school at Winnsborough. Fairfield Co. S.C. States that they can purchase this building which they could use as normal school for about $2000. and inquiries by what extent the Bureau would assist them in securing this property for such a purpose. |

| Jany 9th 1869. #6. | Hawley Geo. S. late Lt. V.R.C. & Asst. Supt. 109 encols. Jany 9th Referred to C.Q.M for examination and remarks. | Washington Jany 8th 1869. Forwarded Returns of Forage and Fuel purchased in year 1866, while in charge of Hertford and Gales, Co. North Carolina, and vouchers for the same. Also Report of Persons and Articles hired for 11 months of 1866. and vouchers for expenditures of office rent from Feby to Dec inclusive. |

| Jany 13th 1869 #7. | Hartford N Haven R.R. Co. C. T. Hempstead. Mil Inst. Agt. 2 encls Jany 11th referred to A.C. of Va. for any information that may be obtained respecting the parties named. Feby 6th Recd back. E.B.p. 295. | Hartsford. Conn. Jany 5th 1869. Forwards orders for transportation of certain parties from Springfield Mass. to Hartford en route to Ft. Monroe Va to which their conductor neglected to get signatures of the above named parties although he certifies that they were carried over the road. Requests if possible, that the parties sign the orders & return to that Co |