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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| Feby 12th, 1869 #17. | Kentucky B.P. Runkle. Col. | Louisville Feby 7th 1869 Requests that 1st Lieut. Wm Stone be ordered to report for duty as Asst Disbursing Officer. Lt. Stone is now on duty in S.C. Feby 12th referred to A.C. of S.C. for remarks. Feby 25th Rec'd back with report. E.B p 315. Vol 5.| 

| Feby 13th 1869  #18 | Kentucky B.P. Runkle. Col. Feby 13th Forwards to the President of the United States, thro the Hon Secy of War. (sd) E.W. | Louisville Feby 6th 1869. Forwards to the President of U.S. letter of James M. Fidler U.S. Com'r Dist. of Ky. stating that there is a vigorous effort on hand at Lebanon, Ky to get George Northcraft. the negro murderer, pardoned by the President asks Col. Runkle to vigorously protest against this, With remark, "If the circumstances of this foul murder are known to the President no protest will be Necessary.  It was a dastardly murder committed by a cowardly villain upon a poor inoffensive colored preacher.  There is no palliation or excuse for the act, and Northcraft ought to be hung and not pardoned." |

| Feby 13th 1869. #19 | Kentucky. Ben P. Runkle Col. 6 enclo See F35. K 32. See F 88 E.B p 306. Vol 5. | Louisville. Feby 10th 1869. Transmits plans and specifications for building Howard Hall at Berea College. States that the Architect estimates the cost of the building at $16000. and that the lowest bid that of Stancliffe and Andrew Ward is $18,357.00 &c Recommends that the Bureau construct the building, and requests instructions &c &c &c.  |

| Feby 15th 1869. #20. * | Kentucky. B.P. Runkle. Col. 4 enclo. To Capt. Sladen. Rec'd back and filed Oct 14/74. W.G.P. | Louisville. Feby 11th. 1869.  Transmits invoices of records of offices pertaining to that state, which he has shiped to Washington per Union line. States that the records of the Asst Com'rs office will be retained for the present. |

| Feby 18th 1869 #21 * | Kentucky Ben P. Runkle. Col. 1 enclo To Maj. Sladen. Rec'd back and filed Oct 14/74. W.G.P. | Louisville Feby 16th 1869. Forwards supplementary Inventory of records pertaining to late Western District of Ky. Shipped to Washington per Adams Express. |

| Feby 19th 1869. #22. | Kentucky. B.P. Runkle. Col. To Mr Alvord. | Louisville  Feby 16th 1869. Transmits school report for the month of January 1869. |

| Feby 23d 1869 #23. * | Kentucky. B.P. Runkle. Col. File. See L.B Vol 5. Feby 23d 1869 | Louisville. Feby 19th 1869. Requests to be informed by telegram whether he can visit Washington in order to see the Genl on official business and also to witness the inauguration of Genl Grant. |