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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| March 18th 1869 #27. | Mississippi A.C. Gillem Genl 5 enclo File. | Vicksburg March 8th 1869. Submits reports of Refugees and Freedmen for Jany and Feby 1869, and roster of Officers and Civilians on duty March 1st 1869. |

| March 18th 1869 #28. * | Morrill W Dr B. see M 328. Vol 13 1 enclo File. | Louisville Ky. March 15th 1869 Returns letter of Dec 1st 1868, and while not asking a rehearing, enters his solemn protest in this case and declairs that he has been most grossly insulted and unjustly dealt with. The justice of his claim was acknowledged by Col Runkle and Mr Drew, and in other cases exactly similar to this of Montgomery and Courtley he has been paid. |

| March 24th 1869 #29. | Mississippi A.C. Gillem. Genl. File. | Vicksburg March 16th 1869 Submits school report for Feby 1869. |

| March 26th 1869 #30 * McDonald A. Hon. U.S.S. File. see L.B. Vol 5 March 16th 1869. | Washington March 25th 1869. Wishes to know, for the benefit of several of his constituents, whether the office of Genl Supt. of Freedmen's Bureau, for Ark. has been abolished |

| March 27th 1869. #31. | Monteith E.H. D.O. 1 enclo March 27th Referred to Maj Swaim A.D.C. for action and recommendation | Baltimore Md. March 25th 1869. Encloses letter of Edward I Hyde late Ch. Clerk &c who formerly received $125. per month but though still performing clerical duty is paid as Messenger at $60. per mo., asking for an increase of salary and recommends that it be granted. |

| March 30th 1869 #32. * | Mason E.W. File see P.L.B. Vol 6 March 30th 1869. | Washington D.C. March 30th 1869. Requests appointment as Superintendent of schools, for La. |

| April 1st 1869 #33. * | Morris, Mrs. C. April 1st 1869. Filed. | Advises the Commissioner, instead of advancing funds to parties who have commenced the erection of school buildings in the South, to build and control them himself, and there after a time secure a revenue from the rental and sale of these buildings which will enable him to establish a Freedman's Bank &c. &c. |

| April 3d 1869 #34. * | McGuffey Chas D. Supt. Public Instruction for Anderson Co 1 enclo Filed. | Clinton Tenn March 31st 1869. Regrets to learn that no more assistance in the matter of building school houses will be rendered after April 30th and that the operations of the Bureau in Tenn. will be brought to a close at that date. Hopes that the Com'r can extend the time within which the Bureau shall afford its much needed and beneficial aid. |