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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 6th 1869 #52 * | Neff Joseph Mayor and others. Filed. | Wilmington N.C. May - 1869. Petitions Genl Howard to appoint Genl Rutherford Supt. of Schools for N.C. |

| May 11th 1869 #53. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. 1 enclo May 1st Returned This Bureau has no authority to furnish the medicines | Raleigh May 6" 1869 Encloses letter from Jas. A Ballock. of Sassafrass Fork. N.C. who asks that medicines be sent him, for use among the freedmen as the Physicians of that County refuses to attend them without cash, which they do not have, &c &c. |

| May 12th 1869. #54. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. May 13" Returned. E B p 395 Vol 5. | Raleigh May 10th 1869. Forwards recommended, request of Capt A. Rutherford for an appropriation of $300. to erect a school building at Long Creek. N.C. |

| May 12th 1869 #55. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Ed. 2 enclo May 18th Returned. vouchers must first be approved by Supt of Education | Raleigh May 14" 1869. Forwards for approval vouchers of Randall Perry. for rent of building used for freedmen's school at Hertford. N.C. ($15.00) |


[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 18th 1869 #56. | North Carolina Jas. McCleery Capt & D.O. 1 enclo May 18th Referred to C.Q.M. Augt. 31st 69. Forwd. to Sec. War. E.B. Vol 5. p. 511. Nov 12" Rec'd back with report see E B. p 21 Vol 6. | Raleigh May 15th 1869. Encloses vouchers for $10.00 in favor of J.B. Neathery & Co. for advertisement of sale of Gov't. property May 8th 1869. in "Daily North Carolina Standard" |

| May 19" 1869 #57 | North Carolina Jas McCleery. Capt & D.O. May 19th Returned, with order enclosed as requested. | Raleigh May 17th 1869. States that he finds it necessary to go to Rockingham, Halifax, and Lincolnton. N.C. and requests an order to do so. |

| May 26th 1869 #58. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Schools. May 27" Returned. E B. p 412. Vol 5. | Raleigh. May 17" 1869. Forwards petition of Revd H.M. Tupper for an appropriation of $1.200. for completion of his school house at Raleigh. With remark, "If devotedness and efficiency in the work is a consideration for a favorable response to the petition" recommends the appropriation. |

| May 26th 1869 #59. | North Carolina H.C. Vogell. Supt of Schools. May 27" Returned. E.B. p 413. Vol 5. | Raleigh May 21" 1869. Submits Statement in reference to demands upon the Educational Dept. of the Bureau in N.C. |