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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| July 12th 1869 #41 | Pope, A. Genl. Frt. Agent. W.& A. R.R. Oct 18 Retd with copy of oath as requested see PLB Vol 11.  | Atlanta Ga. July 8th 1869. Requests copy of oath referred to in enclosed appt. |

| July 17th 1869 #42 | Pennebaker, C.D. Agent State of Ky. see W.151. vol 13, '68. E.B. Vol 5 P. 461. | Washington D.C. July 16th 1869. Forwards letter of J.N. Webb of New Castle, Ky. asking what disposition was made of petition of cold. people for compensation for church destroyed at that place by U.S. troops, forwarded in September 1868. |

| July 19th 1869. #43 * | Pettye, Chas. V. July 19th Referred to Lieut J.H.W. Blair U.S.A. for recommendation File. not granted | Washington D.C. July 8th 1869. Requests 30 days leave of absence. |

| July 26th #44 | Kentucky Pisani, P.R.G. #135 8th Street July 26th Referred to Col Runkle. | Louisville Ky. July 24th 1869. States that his School has been taken from him by Col Runkle, & wishes it returned. |

| July 27th #45 | Parker J.W. July 29th E.B. Vol 5 p 474. | Washington D.C. July 27th 1869. States that the Am. Bap. Home Mission Society ask an appn. to pay for the removal and fitting up for school purposes of the hospital building at Augusta Ga. |

| July 28th #46 | Parker Jordan K. Teacher see PLB Vol 6 July 29/69 July 29th Refd to H.C. Vogell. writer inf. of ref. | Roxobel Rick Square N.C. July 21st 1869. States that he has written to H.C. Vogell several times for some books without receiving any reply. |

| July 30th 1869 #47 | President of U.S. Robt. M. Douglas Secretary From Secy of War for report July 31st Retd. Transportation for Ref. & Freed. is no longer issued by this Bu. the appn. for that purpose having been expended & now the educational branch only remains | Washington D.C. July 27th 1869. Refers request of Mrs. Ellen Brown of Thomasville Ga. for traspn. to her home in Virginia. |