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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| April 6th 1869. #15. * | Royes J.A.R. President of Berea College. 1 enclo Filed. | Berea. Ky. April 3 1869. Transmits resolutions unanimously adopted by Board of that College in reference to the building of the New Dormitory. |

| April 7th 1869. #16 * | Reyburn R. Dr. C.M.O. Filed see L.B. Vol 5. April 8th 1869.| Washington April 7th 1869. Requests that Hospital Steward David Blair. U.S.A. be ordered to report to him. |

| April 8th 1869 #17. | Rayburn R. C.M.O. April 8th Returned, attention invited to the endorsement of Dr Robt. Rayburn C.M. hereon. | Washington D.C. April 7th 1869 Forwards request of Columbus Peck, to be restored to the position of Hospital Steward which he held for nearly 3 years in the Freedmen's Hospital Washington D.C. With remark, there is no vacancy at this time in which Mr Peck's services can be made available. |

| April 9th 1869. #18. * | Rankin H.A. President West Tenn. University 1 enclo See P.L.B. Vol 6. Apl 13th 1869. April 13th Referred to A.C. of Tenn. for remarks. File | Memphis Tenn. April 6th 1869. Encloses act of Incorporation of that Institution and solicits aid from funds in Genl Howards hands to aid in carrying out its aims. | 

| Apl 9th 1869 #19. | Robert C.R. Principal Lookout Mt. Schools. EB p 363. Vol 5. | New York April 8th 1869 States that the actual cost to him of the school buildings furniture &c has been over $45000.00  The average of pupils during past winter has been 75 to 80, - over 30 in Normal Class. Last year expenses were $7000.00 above the sum received from the Bureau . Asks additional appropriation of $4500. for rent from Feby 1st 1869, to end of the year at $410. per month and thereafter at the same rate until the enterprise can be made self supporting |

| April 6th 1869 #20. * | Rayburn Robt. Dr. C.M.O. Filed see L.B Vol 5. April 6th 1869. April 8th 69. Requests an extension for 30 days recd & filed. | Washington D.C. April 6th 1869. Forwards request of Henderson Hayward, Agent for 30 days leave of absence with permission to apply for an extension on Surgeons certificate of disability. With remark. Dr. Hayward has been absent since March 1st 1869, and the condition of his health is such as to prevent the resumption of his duties in this Bureau. |

| April 3d 1869 #21. | Roberts C.R. Box 5616. April 14th Returned EB p. 365. Vol 5. | New York April 13th 1869. States that as Congress had adjourned without extending the Bureau he fears it cannot extend the aid as agreed to, longer that the middle of July next. Hopes the Com'r. can provide for this school at least one & a half years longer which will require at least $11.000. besides the rent till July. Favorably endorsed by Revd E.P. Smith, Genl. Field Agent, Am. Miss. Association. |