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[[3 columned table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| May 12th, 1869 #136. * | Sewall F.D. A.I. Genl. Filed | Columbia, Ga.  May 8th, 1869. Makes report on the condition of the Bureau matters in Fla. |

| May 4th, 1869  #137 * | Sewall F.D. A.I. Genl. See G 48. 51. 60. C 27. W 79. S 122. Filed. Official extract furnished C.Q.M. | Atlanta Ga. May 1st 1869. Makes report concerning the Mason property: (Macon Armory Seward Old Laboratory.) States that he shall endeavor to have the sale of same postponed, until the opinion of the Attorney Genl can be obtained. |

| May 10th 1869 #138 * | Schurz C. Hon. From Secy of War for report  May 24 Returned E.B. p.4 of Vols. Rec'd back for. Filed. | St. Louis, Mo. May 13 1869 Urges that Col. F.A. Seely, late A.Q.M. Vols may be retained on his present duty in the Freedmen's Bureau. |

| May 20th 1869. #139. | South Carolina H. Neide Maj. Supt Schools See W 74. Vol 6. May 25th Returned E.B.p. 406 Vol 5. | Columbia  May 8, 1869 Forwarded for instructions, letter of W.F. DeKnight, relative to the ownership of "Military Hall" Wentworth St. Charleston. S.C. &c which remark it was turned over to this Bureau by the Treasury Dept 1865. It can hardly be closed as Confederate state property, but would probably come under the head of Abandoned. |

| May 20th 1869. #140. * | Smith B. Filed Sec L.B. Vol 5. May 20th 1869. | New York. May 19th 1869. States that Dr. Bronson of St. Augustine has requested him to request Genl Howard to authorize Col. Gile to take possession of the Old Dragoon Lot at St. Augustine, Fla. for the purpose of erecting a schoolbuilding for the colored children. |

| May 19th 1869 #141. | Sanvient C.S. Cashr N.C.B. Fr. Saving Bank  Filed. | New Orleans La  April 30 1869  States that Genl Hatch has transferred to the credit of the Comr. the balance of his account as Asst. Comr. which amount is subject to the Comr's orders. |

| May 24th 1869  #142. | Shehan Harriet A. May 24th Returned E.B.p. 409 Vol 5. | New Orleans, La. May 9th, 1869. States that she was appointed a teacher by Maj Chase, Supt of Education, and taught 8 months with the understanding that she was to receive $60 per month. was paid $250. only. leaving a balance of $230. due her. was again assigned by Maj. Chase, and taught one year at Assumption Parish, receiving only $45. from the freedmen. Hopes Genl Howard can order the payment of the amt due her per contract. |

| May 24th 1869 #143 | Swaim D.G. Maj. & A.S.A.C. Filed. Revoked to date June 3rd. leave of absence granted for 30 days. | Washington May 24th 1869 Requests revocation of appointment of W.H.H. Fithian, Supt Lincoln Tenements. to date approx. & that leave of absence be granted him from 31st inst. to date of discharge. |         

Transcription Notes:
"I.G." = Inspector General