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[[3 Columned Table]]
| When Received. | Name of Writer. | Date and Purport of Letter. |
| --- | --- | --- |

| June 15th 69 #119 | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt of Ed June 16th Ref'd to Genl H.M.W. - E.B. Vol 5 p. 432. | Nashville June 12th 69 Requests authority to purchase in open market Such articles of Stationary as may be necessary to transact the business in his office from June 1st to September 31st 1869 |

| June 18th 69 #120 * | Texas Jos Welch Supt of Ed Sent to Genl. Balloch June 18th 1869. Rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. W.G.P. | Austin June 8th 69 Forwards comn with endt of Secy of War approving a/c of W.H. Sinclair for medical devices during yellow fever epidemic in 1867. |

| June 19th 69 #121 | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt of Ed E.B. 437. Vol 5 June 21st referred to Mr Alvord. who will please furnish the information Recd back with report. E.B. 437. Vol 5. | Nashville June 15th 1869 Requests information as to the date to which the rental a/c of the Freedmens aid Society of the M. E. Church have been settled by this Bureau |

| June 19th 69 #122 * | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt of Ed June 21st Referred to Genl Geo W Balloch. C.D.O. Letter of transmittal rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. W.G.P. | Nashville June 15th 69 Forwards vouchers in favor of R M Thompson for $274.50 for labor and material furnished in repairing School house in Purdy Tennessee |

| June 19th 69 #123 * | Tennessee C.E. Compton Supt of Ed June 21st Referred to Genl Geo W Balloch C.D.O. Letter of transmittal rec'd back. Aug 4th/74. W.G.P. | Nashville June 15th 69 Forwards vouchers in favor of Arthur McKinney for $300. 05/100 for services and material in construction of school house at Rogersville Tennessee |

| June 22nd 69 #124 | Tennessee C.E Compton Supt of Ed June 23rd Referred to Col Compton who is authorized to expend $250.00 asked for | Nashville June 19th 1869 Forwards comn of Jas W Hearn Supt of Public Instruction DeKalb. Co. Tenn. requesting aid in building a school house and church for freedmen at Alexandria Tenn. States that Col Thompson promised to aid in amount of $250.00 recommends that the sum of $250. be expended |

| June 24th 69 #125. | Treasury Dept W. A. Richardson Asst Secy  See T 115. June 25th Referred to C.Q.M | Washington DC June 23rd 69 In compliance with request of the Commr furnishes information respecting the sale of Marine Hospital at Charleston S.C Also encloses letter from N. G. Mills upon the subject. |

| June 24th 69 #126 | Taylor Mrs E A See T 27. See PL Book June 25th 69. June 25th referred to R.M. Manly Supt of Ed for Va in connection with previous papers referred to A.C. of Va March 16th 1869. See E.B. p. 450. Vol 5. | Yorktown Va May 29th 69 Forwards comn relative to claim for rent due for land occupied by the Bureau during the years 1866. 7 and 8 |