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RS ES  December 30, 1926

Dr. W. R. Valentiner,
Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Mich.

Dear Dr. Valentiner,

I am writing to you on a matter which undoubtedly interests you as keenly as it interests us, that is, the matter of increasing the interest on the part of Americans in the HOLBEIN painting which you now possess, and of increasing the general appreciation of HOLBEIN as an artist.

My belief in the need for further education on this score is so great that I should like to give you all possible assistance in furthering this end, and I beg the privilege of assuming any slight financial burden that might be entailed in such an educational program.

It would seem to me that the Detroit Art Museum might issue an article describing your HOLBEIN, an article which we believe we could have written by Professor GANZ of Zurich. This article would possibly be printed in one of the Detroit newspapers, after which it is our suggestion that we have it reprinted in a special brochure and issued in your name to important leaders in art throughout the United States.

I am, of course, eager to secure your permission to have this article written for you, and to secure your further permission to allow us to distribute it in brochure form after it has been written for you.

As we have stated, there would be no cost involved as far as you are concerned; on the other hand, you will probably receive the most favorable kind of national publicity as a forceful leader in the art circles of America.

Sincerely yours,

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