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RS ES GS [[checkmark]] December 17, 1926 Dear Dr. Valentiner, Just after my cousin wrote you yesterday, we received a letter from the St. Louis Museum telling us that they have decided to purchase a little wooden bust which they have had for some time. We told them that the base is of a later period, and that the bust is probably part of a full sized statue and ascribed to Riemenschneider. Dr. Scherer tells us that he is very anxious to have a confirmation of this, so we are asking you to kindly give us your opinion. We are sending you herewith a photograph of the bust with the dimensions on the back. You will understand that we are very anxious to know what you think of it as we want to let Dr. Sherer know. I wish to take advantage of this letter to tell you how pleased I was with what you wrote about the picture by BOL, and to tell you also that I hope these lines find you in good health and that there will soon be an opportunity to see you and Mrs. Valentiner again. With best regards, believe me to be Yours very sincerely, Dr. W.R. Valentiner, Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Mich. Encl-1
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