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November 13,,1926

Dear Dr. Valentiner,
I am herewith enclosing you a photograph of our very fine portrait of Madamoiselle de Verrieres by DROUAIS, particulars of which you will find on the back of the photograph. Photographs of the BOILLY and BOUCHER which we intend sending out to the exhibition will be forwarded to you on Monday, but we are herewith, in the meanwhile, sending you particulars of them:

A large painting of the 18th century, French School, by François BOUCHER of "St. John, the Baptist". The saint is seated, his hands clasped, gazing at the lamb lying at his feet; two little angels hover in the sky. On the crook which St. John is holding is an inscribed scroll with the words: "Agnus Dei". From the Collection of the Countess J. Blaise de Montesquiou, who inherited it from the Countess de Grammont.
Height - 70-1/2"; Width - 45-1/2"

François BOUCHER was born in Paris in 1720. He was a pupil of LE MOINE. In 1755, he became inspector of the Gobelins where he designed some of the greatest cartoons ever reproduced in tapestry. In 1765, he became the first painter to the king. His abilities attracted the attention of Mme. de Pompadour for whom he painted a number of fine pictures which were subsequently bought by the late Sir Richard Wallace.

He died in the Louvre in 1770.

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