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September 24th., 1926

Dr. W.R. Valentiner, Director
Detroit Institute of Art,
704 East Jefferson Ave.,
Detroit, Michigan

Dear Mr. Valentiner:
We are going to have, in the month of March, a very important exhibition which we will call "Exhibition of Paintings from 1830 until Today". This exhibitions, which is going to be given with the co-operation of some of the collectors and most of the important one, and in New York it will be very well patronized.
I thought that maybe you would care to have this exhibition in Detroit and that I could arrange it for you.
This exhibition is being prepeared now, in Paris, by Count de Hauke, who is going to be in charge of it and who is arranging to bring the material over at the end of February. Should you be interested in it would you let me know right away so that I could cable him and you could have the exhibition in Detroit during the better part of the month of February.
Have you received the photograph we sent you of the marvelous cassone and for which we asked you if you would be kind enough to make such a study. We have not heard from you on that subject and as it is such a marvelous cassone we are very anxious to read what you can tell us about it.
The above exhibition of modern paintings will include some of the finest examples of Manet, Monet, Renoir, Degas, Cezanne, Corot, etc.
Hoping to hear from you in the very near future, with best regards.
Pray believe me, Yours very sincerely,