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December 26th, 1929.

Dear Mrs. Weibel,

I certainly enjoyed your nice visit of the other day and our conversation and I trust that your stay in New York had been all together a very pleasant and successful one. These lines, I presume will find you safely back in Detroit and I hope will reach you in the best of health.

Regarding the conversation we had during your visit here at the Galleries, I told you already that we have the permission of our clients to exhibit the Beautiful Boucher-Huet Beauvais rose Du Barry Tapestries, at your 18th Century Exhibition the end of February and I hope you will like to have them there.  

I am now working on the folder, or rather on a brochure of these beautiful tapestries, which we are going to have printed in a very limited number. Regarding this, I have been talking to Mr. Seligmann and we are asking if you would be good enough to write us a nice article about these tapestries, which we would use as a preface to the brochure. 

I am sending you under separate cover the photographs, M. Auclair's certificate, and all the data from which you can see that the same set of tapestries also have been mentioned in the books by Gustave Kahn "Boucher" and by George Leland Hunter in "The Practical Book of Tapestries".

We now would like to have a nice article describing in a very elementary way how tapestries are made; also a little story relating to the origin and the development of the Beauvais tapestry manufactury [[manufacturing]] , how it started and how it developed under the protection of the French Crown; perhaps you could mention one or two famous sets of tapestries and then write up our four tapestries.

Mr. Seligmann would be very glad indeed if you could do this extra work for us, considering your time will permit you to do so, and wishes to ask you to let us know at the same time your compensation for it. 

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-15 10:52:01