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November 18, 1929

Dear Dr. Valentiner, 

It has just occurred to me that I forgot to mention anything about those four large tapestries which you now have hanging in your hall on approval from us and about which you asked me the price.  Now, I find that the very lowest price we can quote you on these would be Fifty Thousand Dollars Net, ($50,000).

You will probably remember that the owners originally asked double this price for them and, then subsequently, withdrew them from sale, stating that they did not wish to sell them, but they have apparently now changed their mind.  As you probably know these tapestries belong to an Estate and we are acting for the Executor.

I certainly agree with you that they are ideal tapestries for your Museum, not only in dimension, but also in scale.

As you have all the other particulars about them I did not think it necessary for me to repeat them in this letter.

In the meanwhile, with my kindest regards, believe me to be

Yours sincerely,

Dr. W. R. Valentiner, 
Detroit Institute of Arts, 
Detroit, Mich.

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