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November 9th., 1929.

Dear Dr. Valentiner:

I just arrived in New York from Europe, in time to see Mr. Trevor leave for Detroit, where he is going to see you. I am sorry I could not accompany him and thus have an opportunity of seeing you again - it is very long since I have had this pleasure.

As you know, some time ago we sold to Mr. William Krug, 8120 East Jefferson Avenue, Detroit, three very lovely Eighteenth Century French paintings; one by Pater, which was in the Lyne Stephens Collection; a Lancret,"The Teaser", and one of the finest Huet that I have ever seen and which you will probably recognize when you see it as I purchased it in Germany. For your information and for descriptions, I am sending you a copy of the invoice.

As it often happens, some stupid fellow told Mr. Krug that these paintings were not what he thought they were - or something of that kind.  We immediately told Mr. Krug that he should not, of course, pay any attention to such foolish talk, and that anyway, as long as you were in Detroit it was so easy for him to be reassured by asking you. I should be obliged to you if, should you not have heard from him within a few days you would call him up and make an appointment to go and see him.

You know how easily people who do not know, are impressed and how willing they are to listen to anyone, even those who are unscrupulous or childishly ignorant.

I do hope to have soon an opportunity of seeing you in New York, and with kind thoughts, 

Believe me to be,
Yours very sincerely, 

(Germain Séligmann)

Dr. W. R. Valentiner, 
Detroit Institute of Arts,    
704 East Jefferson Avenue, 
Detroit, Michigan.

Transcription Notes:
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