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April 1st, 1929.

C.C.H. Ehlers,
50 Union Square,
New York, N.Y.

Dear Sir,

I herewith confirm the receipt of a set of four tapestries, manufacture of Brussels, after cartoons by Peter Paul Rubens, which were executed in the Atelier of Gerard Vanderstrecken.

I note from your letter of March 27th that you wish us to have these tapestries insured for $100,000.- but I am sorry to state that the price quoted to me in a letter from Baron Passavant on March 13th, regarding this transaction is $30,000.- as the lowest selling price.

You will understand that it will be difficult toward our insurance company to have insurance taken out on an object for more than three times its actual selling price value. I have for the time being an insurance taken out for $30,00.-, covering the limit selling price value.

Trusting this will be satisfactory, believe me to be 

Your very sincerely,



R. Waegen

Transcription Notes:
---------- Reopened for Editing 2023-09-25 14:02:21