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The Detroit Institute of Arts 
of The City of Detroit

Arts Commission
Ralph H. Booth, President
Albert Kahn
Edsel B. Ford
Charles T. Fisher.

W. R. Valentiner.
Art Director
Clyde H. Burroughs.

March 27, 1929.

Mr. R. H. Waegen,
Jacques Seligmann and Company,
3 East 51st Street,
New York City.

My dear Mr. Waegen:

I am inclosing the photographs of the two St. Paul tapestries. 

It was my own idea to offer them to you as part exchange and I find that now such an exchange will be rather complicated for us as the Museum objects belong to the city, and Dr. Valentiner tells me that the Arts Commission would have to submit any such decision to the city council.

With all good wishes, I am                        

Very sincerely yours,

Adèle Weibel

Mrs. A. C. Weibel
Curator of Textiles


Transcription Notes:
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