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RW KP March 21st, 1929. Mrs. A. C. Weibel, Curator of Textiles, The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan. Dear Mrs. Weibel, Thank you very much for your letter of March 19th, which I enjoyed reading. Regarding the tapestry "Tancred and Clorinda", I would be only too pleased if we could get together somehow and if your Museum would be able to acquire this beautiful Gobelin. I am not in a particular hurry to have it here in New York so you might keep it a little longer if you wish. I talked with Mr. Seligmann about your proposal of taking your two Flemish tapestries, "The Story of St. Paul", in part exchange for the Gobelin. Mr. Seligmann, for his exact recollection of the object, would like very much to have photographs of the two tapestries, with the exact measurements and also your price quotation for them, which I would like to have at your earliest convenience as Mr. Seligmann is going to Europe next week and therefore there is no time to be lost. Regarding the "Achilles" tapestries, I cabled once more to Europe and will send them on to you as soon as I have taken then out of storage here, which I am sure will be in time for your exhibition. Looking forward to your reply and to seeing you next month, I meanwhile remain, with my kindest regards and best wishes, Yours very sincerely, JACQUES SELIGMANN & CO., Inc. By
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-19 21:44:21 .