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March 14th, 1929.

Mrs. Adele C. Weibel,
Curator of Textiles,
The Detroit Institute of Arts,
Detroit, Michigan.

My dear Mrs. Weibel,

Thank you for your telegram and your lines of March 11th, both of which I received in good order. I did not answer your wire as I had to communicate with the present owner of these tapestries by cable, and had no reply until today.

I shall be very glad to let you have these four "Achilles" tapestries after cartoon by Rubens, as soon as I will receive them from the warehouse, where they are here at present, which will take a few days to receive the necessary instructions from my friend in Europe. However, I am sure you will have them long before the end of this month. As to the further details, I would like to inform you that it is agreed to exhibit them under the name of our firm and that they are for sale, so you can label them, price for which I will let you have in due time. 

I furthermore would like to have with the opportunity of these lines, whether you still need our tapestry Tancred and Clorinda. It would be interesting to know if you could interest the Museum in it, or somebody else. In case you have nothing on view, I believe I would like to have the tapestry here in New York.

I really feel very sorry that you can not contemplate a short trip to New York. However, I hope this will be satisfactory to you. I intend coming to Detroit around the tenth of April, when I am looking forward to finding you in the best of health. Meanwhile, I remain with my kindest regards,

Yours very sincerely,




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