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THE DETROIT INSTITUTE OF ARTS OF THE CITY OF DETROIT ARTS COMMISSION RALPH H. BOOTH, PRESIDENT ALBERT KAHN, EDSEL B. FORD, CHARLES T. FISHER, COMMISSIONERS W. R. VALENTINER, ART DIRECTOR CLYDE H. BURROUGHS, SECRETARY Wa March 2, 1929. Mr. R. H. Waegen, Jacques Seligmann and Company, 3 East 51st Street, New York City. My dear Mr. Waegen: Have you by any chance a tapestry or tapestries which we could exhibit at the time of our Van Dyck Loan Exhibition? It would have to be a Brussels or Antwerp tapestry woven from a cartoon by one of the pupils of Rubens. I shall probably be in New York around the middle of this month and shall call on you in any case, as I shall always like to see your beautiful things. With all good wishes, I am Very sincerely yours, Adèle Weibel Mrs. A. C. Weibel, Curator of Textiles ACW.JH
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