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December 6th, 1935. My dear Mr. Valentiner, In connection with my trip to Detroit and my bringing the Mantegna portrait, I am wondering if you don't think that it would be possible to interest Mr E. F. in such a wonderful and fabulously rare painting. If such would be the case, I know that you would want to show the picture to Mr. Ford yourself, and that you would want it at the Museum for quite a little while. Therefore, if you would let me know, instead of bringing the picture with me I would sent it to you a few days before I come out. Mrs. Ford told me that they like small pictures, and the Mantegna would certainly be a marvelous "pendant" to their Raphael. If Mr. Ford would be interested, we would consider a price considerably below the one we mentioned to you. If you don't think the Mantegna could interest him, what do you think of the possibility of interesting Mr. Ford in the Giotto? I know that it is a picture that you like tremendously. t.s.v.p............ GS
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[[?]] inserted for "stylized" initials at bottom of page
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