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RS/M November 23rd, 1935. My dear Mr. Richardson, Several weeks ago I learned that you were coming to New York sometime in November. The month is nearly over and so far we have not had the pleasure of seeing you. I would like to know if you still contemplate coming, or if you have changed your plans. Perhaps you would be kind enough to let me know, as I certainly would not want to miss you here. Should you not come, I would send you photographs of two Segonzacs which we have here and which might interest your friend. Maybe you have already heard about them, as when Mr. Tannahill was here several weeks ago I showed them to him with our group of modern pictures. I would be very disappointed not to see you here - not only because the group of 19th century pictures which we have here is so fine, but also because it would give me so much pleasure to see you and Mrs. Richardson again. With my kindest regards, Please believe me Yours sincerely, (René Seligmann) E. P. Richardson, Esq., The Detroit Institute of Arts, Detroit, Michigan. GS
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Reopened for Editing 2023-09-12 11:08:51 .